
An up-to-date list is available on Google Scholar.

* denotes equal contribution.


  1. Preprint
    Shared and distinct neural signatures of feature and spatial attention
    Anmin Yang, Jinhua Tian, Wenbo Wang, and 3 more authors
    bioRxiv, 2023
  2. Preprint
    Natural language processing of narrative writing for depression screening in adolescents
    Tian Li*, Anmin Yang*, Guiting Zhang, and 3 more authors
    Psyaxiv, 2023
  3. Cereb. Cortex
    A connectome-based neuromarker of nonverbal number acuity and arithmetic skills
    Dai Zhang, Liqin Zhou, Anmin Yang, and 4 more authors
    Cerebral Cortex, 2023


  1. PBB
    The Influence of Cue Validity on Social Attention and Exogenous Attention
    Guiting Zhang, Anmin Yang, Jialun Sun, and 2 more authors
    Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2022
  2. Sci. Adv.
    Emerged human-like facial expression representation in a deep convolutional neural network
    Liqin Zhou, Anmin Yang, Ming Meng, and 1 more author
    Science advances, 2022


  1. Sci. Data
    A manually denoised audio-visual movie watching fMRI dataset for the studyforrest project
    Xingyu Liu, Zonglei Zhen, Anmin Yang, and 2 more authors
    Scientific Data, 2019